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Browse Books in History

City of Farmers

Informal Urban Agriculture in the Open Spaces of Nairobi, Kenya

by (author) Donald B. Freeman

Greenland Mummies

by (author) Jens Peder Hart Hansen & Jorgen Medlgaard

A City of Farmers

Informal Urban Agriculture in the Open Spaces of Nairobi, Kenya

by (author) Donald B. Freeman

The Ojibwa of Southern Ontario

by (author) Peter S. Schmalz

A Country So Interesting

The Hudson's Bay Company and Two Centuries of Mapping, 1670-1870

by (author) Richard I. Ruggles

Iron and Blood

Civil Wars in Sixteenth-Century France

by (author) Henry Heller

The Good Regiment

The Carignan-Salières Regiment in Canada, 1665-1668

by (author) Jack Verney

Snake Hill

An Investigation of a Military Cemetery from the War of 1812

edited by Susan Pfeiffer & Ronald E. Williamson

Benjamin Franklin Bache and the Philadelphia "Aurora"

by (author) James Tagg

In His Name

The Anglican Experience in Upper Canada, 1791-1854

by (author) Curtis Fahey

Aboriginal Resource Use in Canada

Historical and Legal Aspects

edited by Kerry Abel & Jean Friesen

Royal Observations

Canadians and Royalty

by (author) Arthur Bousfield & Garry Toffoli

Anglo-American Relations in the 1920's

The Struggle for Supremacy

by (author) B. McKercher

Coastal Villages

by (author) Liv Kennedy


by (author) Mohamed Abucar

A Pioneer Gentlewoman in British Columbia

The Recollections of Susan Allison

by (author) Margaret A. Ormsby

Studies in Maritime Literary History 1760-1930

by (author) Gwendolyn Davies

Pioneering Aviation in the West

As told by the pioneers

by (author) Lloyd Bungey

The Diary of André Laurendeau

Written during the Royal Commission on Bilingualism and Biculturalism 1964-67

by (author) André Laurendau
selected by Patricia Smart
translated by Dorothy Howard

Surveying the Canadian Pacific

Memoir of a Railroad Pioneer

by (author) R.M. Rylatt

The Unmaking of Canada

The Hidden Theme in Canadian History since 1945

by (author) Robert Chodos, Eric Hamovitch & Rae Murphy

The Gulf Within

Canadian Arabs, Racism and the Gulf War

by (author) Zuhair Kashmeri

Quebec Since 1930

by (author) Paul-André Linteau, Jean-Claude Robert & René Durocher
translated by Robert Chodos & Ellen Garmaise

The Six National Histories of Japan

by (author) Taro Sakamoto
translated by John S. Brownlee

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