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Browse Books in History

Priests and Politicians

Manitoba Schools and the Election of 1896

by (author) Paul Crunican

The Queen v Louis Riel

edited by Michael Bliss
introduction by Desmond Morton

Resolutions and Decisions of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union Volume 1

The Russian Social Democratic Labour Party 1898-October 1917

edited by R.A.L.P.H. ELWOOD

Resolutions and Decisions of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union Volume 5

The Brezhnev Years 1964-1981

edited by Donald Schwartz

The Vigil of Quebec

by (author) Fernand Dumont
translated by Sheila Fischman & Richard Howard

Sovereign equality among states

The history of an idea

by (author) Robert Klein

The Tragedy of Quebec

The Expulsion of its Protestant Farmers 1916

by (author) Robert Sellar
edited by Robert Hill

Cdn Hist Review Index 1950-70

edited by Audrey Douglas

Canadian Historical Review Index 1950-70

edited by Audrey Douglas

Working Man in the Nineteenth Century

edited by Michael S. Cross

The Early History of Elora and Vicinity

by (author) John Connon

Image of the Indian

by (author) Ronald Haycock

East Kootenay Chronicle

by (author) David Scott

What Glorious Times They Had

Nellie McClung: A Satire

by (author) Diane Grant

Women at Work 1850-1930

edited by Janice Acton, Penny Goldsmith & Bonnie Shepard

The Roman Principate

27 B.C. - 285 A.D.

by (author) Naphtali Lewis

Essays on the Reconstruction of Medieval History

edited by Vaclav Murdoch & G.S. Couse

Philippe de Rigaud de Vaudreuil

Governor of New France, 1703-1725

by (author) Yves F. Zoltvan
foreword by W.J. Eccles

Statistical Account of Upper Canada

by (author) Robert Gourlay

Canadian War Museum: annual review 1973

edited by Lee Murray

Canadian Centre for Folk Culture Studies annual review 1973

edited by Carmen Roy

Some sources for women's history in the Public Archives of Canada

by (author) Heather Rielly & Marilyn Hindmarch

Le sauvage

The native people in Quebec historical writing on the Heroic Period (1534-1663) of New France

by (author) Donald B. Smith

History Division: annual review, 1973

by (author) F.J. Thorpe

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