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Browse Books in History

The Early History of Elora and Vicinity

by (author) John Connon

Image of the Indian

by (author) Ronald Haycock

East Kootenay Chronicle

by (author) David Scott

What Glorious Times They Had

Nellie McClung: A Satire

by (author) Diane Grant

Women at Work 1850-1930

edited by Janice Acton, Penny Goldsmith & Bonnie Shepard

The Roman Principate

27 B.C. - 285 A.D.

by (author) Naphtali Lewis

Essays on the Reconstruction of Medieval History

edited by Vaclav Murdoch & G.S. Couse

Philippe de Rigaud de Vaudreuil

Governor of New France, 1703-1725

by (author) Yves F. Zoltvan
foreword by W.J. Eccles

Statistical Account of Upper Canada

by (author) Robert Gourlay

Canadian War Museum: annual review 1973

edited by Lee Murray

Canadian Centre for Folk Culture Studies annual review 1973

edited by Carmen Roy

Some sources for women's history in the Public Archives of Canada

by (author) Heather Rielly & Marilyn Hindmarch

Le sauvage

The native people in Quebec historical writing on the Heroic Period (1534-1663) of New France

by (author) Donald B. Smith

History Division: annual review, 1973

by (author) F.J. Thorpe

Ho for the Klondike

A Whimsical Look at the Years 1897-1898

by (author) James B. Stanton

BC Recalled

A Picture History 1741-1871

by (author) Derek Pethick & Susan ImBaumgarten

All Aboard

by (author) J. William Calder

Stories from Nova Scotia

by (author) Calum MacLeod

Travel In The Ancient World

by (author) Lionel Casson

Social Values In Classical Athens

by (author) N.R.E. Fisher

Leadership and the Cult of the Personality

The Ancient World: Source Books

by (author) Jane F. Gardner

Polis And Imperium

Studies in Honour of Edward Togo Salmon

by (author) J.A.S. Evans Ed

Dot It Down

A Story of Life in the North-West

by (author) Alexander Begg
series edited by Douglas Lochhead

Honor Edgeworth

by (author) Kate Madeleine Bottomley
series edited by Douglas Lochhead

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