Browse Books in Children's Fiction

Richard was a Picker Read-Along
Thirteen Minutes
A 20th century tale of family, eugenics, Dadaism.and hockey

A Girl Called Tennyson

Fishing with Gubby


Angutiup ânguanga / Anguti's Amulet

Guys Read: Funny Business

Guys Read: Best of Friends
A Story from Guys Read: Funny Business

Freddy's Hockey Hero

A Book of Tricksters
Tales from Many Lands

Is That Story True?

A Chanukah Noel
A True Story

The Boy in the Oak

Curtain Up!
A Book for Young Performers

Nancy Drew The New Case Files #1: Nancy Drew Vampire Slayer
Nancy Drew Vampire Slayer

Dear Toni

Sticky Notes and Brain Freeze

Humpty Dumpty and Friends
Nursery Rhymes for the Young at Heart


Neil Flambe and the Aztec Abduction
The Neil Flambe Capers, #2


A Mystery

Mummy Mayhem