Browse Books in General

Troubling Abstraction
Robert Houle
A Bauhausler in Canada
Andor Weininger in the '50s

Spectacle and Artifice
Archaologie Beaux Arts Ethnography Theatre-Verite
Christopher Williams
Remakes, Variations (1741-2092)
Tim Lee: Works (2001-08)

Jeet Aulakh
Anahada Naada
Un regard contemporain sur l'Acadie / A Contemporary Look at Acadie


The Present Tense Through the Ages
On the recent work of Gerard Byrne
Wyn Geleynse
Inférences narratives
Code Couronne

Silvia Kolbowski
Nothing and Everything / Rien et tout

Harun Farocki
one image doesn't take the place of the previous one
Michael Snow
Solo Snow

Manon De Pauw.
A City's Museum
A History of the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts

Matthew Varey
Building on History
The Art of Wallpaper
Radiant Dark

outdoor art installations in an anishinaabe garden
Sarah Anne Johnson
House on Fire

Gareth Long
Second Third Fourth

Collecting for the future
Gifts of art to celebrate the new Art Gallery of Ontario