Browse Books in General

Jeannie Thib

Susan Dobson
Scott McFarland
Roe Ethridge & Cheyney Thompson
Robert Youds
beautiful beautiful artificial field
Feed/Work by Tonia di Risio

Signals in the Dark
Art in the Shadow of War

Interruptions & Encounters

The Rodney Graham Songbook
La phographie hantée par la photographie spirite
Lynne Marsh
Sylvie Readman
De souffle et de suie 1999-2006

Maisons-lieux / Houses-Places
Architecture contemporaine au Canada / Contemporary Canadian Architecture

Leonard Baskin
Works in the Collection of the McMaster Museum of Art
The Collection of H.S. Southam
Stephen Waddell

Jamelie Hassan
At the Far Edge of Words
The Library in Architecture, Art and the Imagination

Constructions of Identity
Recent Additions to the Permanent Collection of the Kelowna Art Gallery

Neal McLeod
sons of a lost river

Vid Ingelevics
hunter : gatherer

The Insiders

Robert Young
Quotidian View