Browse Books in General
Diana Thorneycroft
Canada, Myth and History

Theresa Sapergia
Anthems of Life Interrupted
Susan Rankin
Valid Objects of Beauty

Torrie Groening
A Maximalist for Dinner

John Brown
Future Species
James Carl
Germaine Koh
The Triumph of Mischief
Bona Fide
handmade & homemade

Sandra Meigs
Strange Loop

Reverse Engineered / Rétro-ingénerie
Alexandre Catonguay / Mathieu Bouchard
Claudie Gagnon

Tim Clark
Reading the Limits: Works / Œuvres 1975-2003
Art and History from 1868 to Today
All For Art!
In Conversation with Collectors
In the Near Future
Sharon Hayes

Dionne Simpson: cartographies

Bob Boyer
His Life's Work / Le travail d'une vie

Wahwâ Neechi Funk!
Aboriginal Humour Exhibition

Jamie Russell
Meditations on Nature
Paul Butler's Collage Party

People Like Us
The Gossip of Colin Campbell