Browse Books in General

Mirrors, Mimesis and the Place of the Viewer

Sophisticated Folk

Mary-Anne Wesley
inescapable shelter

Allan Chawner and Andrew Chubb
Bar Beach (Beyond the Sea)

Diyan Achjadi & Brendan Tang
Sugar Bombs
Derek Sullivan
We May Be Standing on the Shoulder of Giants but Some of Us Are Looking at the Stars

Susan Bozic
The Dating Portfolio

Hockey Town
Without End
Exploring the Lines That Keep Us Apart

Mario Doucette
Histoires/ Histories.

Liz Magor
The Mouth and other storage facilities
Waging Culture
A report on the socio-economic status of Canadian visual artists

Mitch Robertson
567: Economies of Good & Evil
New Communities

Désolé, plus d'essence
L'Innovation architecturale en réponse à la crise pétrolière de 1973
Geoffrey Farmer
Anne Collier

Willie Bester
Apartheid Laboratory

Yousuf Karsh
Industrial Images

Ted Godwin
The Regina Five Years: 1957-1967

Everett Soop
Journalist, Cartoonist, Activist

Excursions into the Cultural Landscapes of Alberta
Elisabeth Belliveau, Istvan Kantor, Jamie Q, Tanya Read, Jerry Ropson and Tara K. Wells