Browse Books in Art

James Mathias
Below the Blue Horizon, Images of Our Underwater World

John Scott
Edge City

Michael Reeves

Transcendental Tracks
The Paintings of Marilyn Clements, 1990-1994
Michael Snow Project
Visual Art

Life without Instruction

Maxwell Bates
Biography of an Artist

Artfolio Package Art For Enlightenment
Artfolio Package

Insights, Discoveries, Surprises
Drawing from the Model

Art For Enlightenment

The Best of the Group of Seven

People from Our Side
A Life Story with Photographs and Oral Biography

Looking at Totem Poles

Whispered Art History
Twenty Years at the Western Front

Light for a Cold Land
Lawren Harris's Life and Work

The Art of Fred Ross
A Timeless Humanism

Dreams of the Night
Paintings by Barbara Elizabeth Mercer

Preparatory Sketches for a Salon Painting
Bathers at Capri by William Blair Bruce

Michael Forster
Order Out of Chaos: Sixty Years of a Canadian Artist

Pilgrims in the Wilderness
The Struggle of the Canadian Group of Painters (1933-1969)

Dorothy Cameron
Private Eye: Selected Work from 1979-91

John MacGregor
Painter as Time Traveller

Frank Nulf
Alex Colville
Selected Drawing