Browse Books in Art

Paul Sloggett
Twelve Years

Alma Duncan and Men at Work, 1943 to 1986

The Athenians and Their Empire
Icons and Logos
Sources in Eighth-Century Iconoclasm
Albert H. Robinson
The Mature Years/Lépanouissement
Tragedy and After
Euripides, Shakespeare, Goethe

John Lyman

Jack Shadbolt and the Coastal Indian Image

Video By Artists 2

Kelly Clark
Peter Stent, London Printseller

The New Intimists
Andrew Bodor, Brian Kipping, Douglas Stratford

Old Wars by Young Artists
Stephen Arthurs, Geoff Buttler, Frances Ferdinands-Forbes

The Zacks Gift
Then & Now

Mary E. Rawlyk

Folk Treasures of Historic Ontario
Spirit of Nova Scotia
Traditional Decorative Folk Art 1780-1930

Indian Artifacts of the Northeast

American Indian Pottery

Hunters of the Northern Forest

Hunters of the Eastern Forest

Hunters of the Sea

Hunters of the Ice