Browse Books in Art

Through An-Other's Eyes
White Cnadian Artists - Black Female Subjects

Diana Thorneycroft

Earthquakes and Explorations
Language and Painting from Cubism to Concrete Poetry

Earthquakes and Explorations
Language and Painting from Cubism to Concrete Poetry

Behold the Hero
General Wolfe and the Arts in the Eighteenth Century

Christmas with Maud Lewis

Images of Justice

Heaven on Earth
Art and the Church in Byzantium

Printmaking and Image Culture

The Yellow Pear

Painting in the Age of Giotto
A Historical Reevaluation

Spirit of Haida Gwaii, The
Bill Reid's Masterpiece

After Geometry
The Abstract Art of Claude Tousignant
The Thought from Outside
The Art and Artefacts of John Heward
Chinese Opera
Images and Stories

Canadian Collage

Germaine Koh

Conversations with Contemporary Artists

Pacific Windows
Collected Poems of Roy K. Kiyooka

Voices of Fire
Art, Rage, Power, and the State

Theatre of Apollo
Divine Justice and Sophocles' Oedipus the King

J.E.H. MacDonald, Designer

Reclaiming William Morris
Englishness, Sublimity, and the Rhetoric of Dissent

Edmund Morris
Frontier Artist