Browse Books in Art

Beloved Land
The World of Emily Carr

This Woman in Particular
Contexts for the Biographical Image of Emily Carr

The Art of Mary Pratt
The Substance of Light
Small as a Way of Working

The Illuminated Life of Maud Lewis

Confessions of a Curator
Adventures in Canadian Art

Confessions of a Curator
Adventures in Canadian Art

Strange Sites
Uncommon Homes & Gardens of the Pacific Northwest

Paterson Ewen

Fertile Ground

Rise and Fall
John Dickson & Laurie Walker

Linda Ward Selbie

Susan Low-Beer

Inuit Women Artists
Voices from Cape Dorset

Tracing memory
A glossary of graphic signs and symbols in African art and culture

Dit des signes
Répertoire de signes graphiques dans les cultures et les arts africains

Beyond the Word
Reconstructing Sense in the Joyce Era of Technology, Culture, and Communication

Beyond the Word
Reconstructing Sense in the Joyce Era of Technology, Culture, and Communication
Arts Beat
The Arts in Victoria

One Recipe Recipe Book
or, The Artist's Friend

The Carnivalization of Politics
Quebec Cartoons on Relations with Canada, England, and France, 1960-1979

Carnivalization of Politics
Quebec Cartoons on Relations with Canada, England, and France, 1960-1979

The History of a London Lot