Meditation Posts

Good Burdens
How to Live Joyfully in the Digital Age

Living with Yourself

Why We All Need Breathing Space
"Retreat is an adventure, and it involves uncertainty. Whether we go to the quiet woods to rest or make art, walk a pilgrim path or sit in silent meditation, …

Chasia's Enchantment: Meditations, Poems, and Inspirations
Meditations, Poems, Inspirations

Chasia's Enchantment
Meditations, Poems and Inspirations

The HOW to Inner Peace
A Guide to a New Way of Living

Let That Sh*t Go
Find Peace of Mind and Happiness in Your Everyday

The Clear Light
Spiritual Reflections and Meditations

Heart Minded
How to Hold Yourself and Others in Love

The Conflict Resolution Grail
Awareness, Compassion and a Negotiator’s Toolbox