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Political Science Communism & Socialism

The Communist Movement at a Crossroads

Plenums of the Communist Internationals Executive Committee, 1922-1923

edited by Mike Taber

translated by John Riddell

Haymarket Books
Initial publish date
Jun 2019
Communism & Socialism, Revolutionary, Social History
  • Paperback / softback

    Publish Date
    Jun 2019
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This volume contains the proceedings and resolutions from three expanded meetings of the Executive Committee of the Communist International (Comintern) held in 1922–1923, while Lenin was still alive. At these 'mini-congresses', Communist leaders from around the world debated out major strategic questions and initiatives, from united front policy to the fight against fascism.

The material in this book – much of it appearing in English for the first time – is an essential source for understanding the world revolutionary movement in Lenin’s time, as well as the subsequent evolution of the Comintern. It is an important supplement to the widely acclaimed series of volumes edited by John Riddell containing the record of the Comintern’s first four world congresses.

About the authors

Mike Taber's profile page

John Riddell’s first published story appeared in 1963 and his work continued to appear in little magazines like Kontakte, Ganglia, Descant and grOnk. An early associate of Ganglia magazine, he later became a contributing editor of grOnk and then in 1975, co-founded Phenomenon Press with Richard Truhlar. He has had visual work in exhibitions in Europe and Canada and his published books include How to Grow Your Own Lightbulbs and Transitions (Mercury), a/z does it (Nightwood Editions), Criss-Cross (Coach House Press), E clips E (Underwhich Editions), and Shit (Letters).

John Riddell's profile page

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