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University of Manitoba Press

Books from this publisher

Imperial Plots

Women, Land, and the Spadework of British Colonialism on the Canadian Prairies

by (author) Sarah Carter

Conversations in Food Studies

edited by Colin R. Anderson, Jennifer Brady & Charles Z. Levkoe
foreword by Mustafa Koç
contributions by Mary A. Beckie, Eva A. Bogdan, Mark Bomford, Jennifer A. Braun, Samara Brock, Robyn Bunn, Kirsten Valentine Cadieux, Chantal Clement, Anais Detolle, Arthur Green, Ankit Gupta, Robert Jennings, Josee Johnson, Huddart Kennedy, Ahmed Khan, Keith Lee, Kristen Lowitt, Wanda Martin, Victoria Millious, Phil Mount, Erika Mundel, Alan Nash, Seriy Polyakov, Keren Rideout, Steffanie Scott, Tammara Soma, Cathryn Sprague, Jennifer Sumner, David Szanto, Lani Trenouth, Penny Van Esterik, Matt Ventresca, Cassie Wever, Carmen Wong & Konstantinos Zougris

Sounding Thunder

The Stories of Francis Pegahmagabow

by (author) Brian D. McInnes
foreword by Waubgeshig Rice

Fault Lines

Life and Landscape in Saskatchewan's Oil Economy

by (author) Emily Eaton
photographs by Valerie Zink

A Culture's Catalyst

Historical Encounters with Peyote and the Native American Church in Canada

by (author) Fannie Kahan
introduction by Erika Dyck
with Abram Hoffer, Duncan Blewett, Humphry Osmond & Teodoro Weckowicz

Understanding the Manitoba Election 2016

Campaigns, Participation, Issues, Place

edited by Karine Levasseur, Andrea Rounce, Barry Ferguson & Royce Koop
by (author) Christopher Adams, Jillian Austin, Richard Balasko, Curtis Brown, Colleen Bytheway, Emmet Collins, Sid Frankel, Joan Grace, Rory Henry, Derek Kornelsen, Kiera L. Ladner, Allen Mills, Aaron Moore, Jim Mulvale, Susan Prentice, Kelly Saunders, Todd Scarth, Wayne Simpson, Dan Smith, Paul G. Thomas, Mary Agnes Welch, Lori Wilkinson & Jon Young

Mythologizing Norval Morrisseau

Art and the Colonial Narrative in the Canadian Media

by (author) Carmen L. Robertson

Horse-and-Buggy Genius

Listening to Mennonites Contest the Modern World

by (author) Royden Loewen

Thrashing Seasons

Sporting Culture in Manitoba and the Genesis of Prairie Wrestling

by (author) C. Nathan Hatton

A Knock on the Door

The Essential History of Residential Schools from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada, Edited and Abridged

foreword by Phil Fontaine
by (author) Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada
afterword by Aimée Craft

After Identity

Mennonite Writing in North America

edited by Robert Zacharias

Indigenous Men and Masculinities

Legacies, Identities, Regeneration

edited by Robert Alexander Innes & Kim Anderson
interviewee Warren Cariou, Daniel Heath Justice, Gregory Scofield, William Kahalepuna Richards & Thomas Ka’auwai Kaulukukui
contributions by Ty P. Kāwika Tengan, Brendan Hokowhitu, Niigaanwewidam James Sinclair, Sam McKegney, Bob Antone, Phillip Borell, Kimberly Minor, Richard Van Camp, Scott L. Morgensen, Robert Henry, Allison Piché, Sasha Sky, Leah Sneider, Erin Sutherland, John Swift, Lisa Tatonetti & Lloyd L. Lee

Pauline Boutal

An Artist's Destiny, 1894-1992

by (author) Louise Duguay
translated by S.E. Stewart

The Idea of a Human Rights Museum

contributions by Karen Busby, Adam Muller, Andrew Woolford, Jennifer Carter, Clint Curle, Angela Failler, Helen Fallding, Jodi Giesbrecht, Amanda Grzyb, George Jacob, Stephen Jaeger, A. Dirk Moses, Jorge A. Nállim, Ken Norman, Armando Perla, David Petrasek, Ruth B. Phillips, Christopher Powell, Mary Reid, Roger I. Simon & Struan Sinclair

Decolonizing Employment

Aboriginal Inclusion in Canada's Labour Market

contributions by Karen Busby, Adam Muller, Andrew Woolford, Jennifer Carter, Clint Curle, Angela Failler, Helen Fallding, Jodi Giesbrecht, Amanda Grzyb, George Jacob, Stephen Jaeger, Dirk Moses, Jorge Nallim, Ken Norman, Armando Perla, David Petrasek, Ruth Phillips, Christopher Powell, Mary Reid, Roger Simon & Struan Sinclair

Apostate Englishman

Grey Owl the Writer and the Myths

by (author) Albert Braz

Decolonizing Employment

Aboriginal Inclusion in Canada's Labour Market

by (author) Shauna MacKinnon

Holocaust Survivors in Canada

Exclusion, Inclusion, Transformation, 1947-1955

by (author) Adara Goldberg

We’re Going to Run This City

Winnipeg's Political Left after the General Strike

by (author) Stefan Epp-Koop

This Benevolent Experiment

Indigenous Boarding Schools, Genocide, and Redress in Canada and the United States

by (author) Andrew Woolford

Planning for Rural Resilience

Coping with Climate Change and Energy Futures

edited by Wayne J. Caldwell
contributions by Wayne Caldwell, Erica Ferguson, Emanuel Lapierre-Fortin, Jennifer Ball, Suzanne Reid, Paul Kraehling, Eric Marr, John Devlin, Chris White, Tony McQuail, Margaret Graves, Bill Deen, Ralph Martin & Christopher Bryant

Transnational Radicals

Italian Anarchists in Canada and the U.S., 1915-1940

by (author) Travis Tomchuk

Rekindling the Sacred Fire

Métis Ancestry and Anishinaabe Spirituality

by (author) Chantal Fiola

Life Among the Qallunaat

by (author) Mini Aodla Freeman
edited by Keavy Martin & Julie Rak

Invisible Immigrants

The English in Canada since 1945

by (author) Marilyn Barber & Murray Watson

We Share Our Matters

Two Centuries of Writing and Resistance at Six Nations of the Grand River

by (author) Rick Monture

Indians Don't Cry

Gaawiin Mawisiiwag Anishinaabeg

by (author) George Kenny
afterword by Renate Eigenbrod
translated by Patricia M. Ningewance

The Patriotic Consensus

Unity, Morale, and the Second World War in Winnipeg

by (author) Jody Perrun

Cree Legends and Narratives from the West Coast of James Bay

edited by C. Douglas Ellis
as told by Simeon Scott, Xavier Sutherland, Isaiah Sutherland, John Wynne, Joel Linklater, Silas Wesley, Hannah Wynne, Gabriel Kiokee, Andrew Faries, Sophie Gunner, James Gunner, Willie Frenchman, Hannah Loon, Ellen McLeod & John Carpenter

The Showman and the Ukrainian Cause

Folk Dance, Film, and the Life of Vasile Avramenko

by (author) Orest T. Martynowych

Young, Well-Educated, and Adaptable

Chilean Exiles in Ontario and Quebec, 1973-2010

by (author) Francis Peddie
series edited by Royden Loewen

Edge of the Woods

Iroquoia: 1534-1701

by (author) Jon Parmenter

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