State University of New York Press
Books from this publisher

Reeducating the Educator
Global Perspectives on Community Building

The Annual Review of Women in World Religions
Volume VI

The Huainanzi and Liu An's Claim to Moral Authority

Isaac Abarbanel's Stance Toward Tradition
Defense, Dissent, and Dialogue

Encounter with Enlightenment
A Study of Japanese Ethics

Global Limits
Immanuel Kant, International Relations, and Critique of World Politics

When Poetry Ruled the Streets
The French May Events of 1968

Unconscious Wisdom
A Superego Function in Dreams, Conscience, and Inspiration

Memory and Mastery
Primo Levi as Writer and Witness

Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls
Gender in Film at the End of the Twentieth Century

Shi?ite Heritage
Essays on Classical and Modern Traditions

Cosmos as Art Object
Studies in Plato's Timaeus and Other Dialogues

Merchants, Mamluks, and Murder
The Political Economy of Trade in Eighteenth-Century Basra

International Relations?Still an American Social Science?
Toward Diversity in International Thought

Bodies of Meaning
Studies on Language, Labor, and Liberation

Identifying Selfhood
Imagination, Narrative, and Hermeneutics in the Thought of Paul Ricoeur

Primal Scenes of Communication
Communication, Consumerism, and Social Movements

Women Saints in World Religions

Inside the Olympic Industry
Power, Politics, and Activism

Ernst Cassirer
A "Repetition" of Modernity

To Rebuild the Empire
Lu Chih's Confucian Pragmatist Approach to the Mid-T'ang Predicament

Elusive Culture
Schooling, Race, and Identity in Global Times

The South Asian Religious Diaspora in Britain, Canada, and the United States

Star Trek and Sacred Ground
Explorations of Star Trek, Religion, and American Culture

Acts of Arguing
A Rhetorical Model of Argument

Freedom through Inner Renunciation
“a—kara's Philosophy in a New Light

Education and the Soul
Toward a Spiritual Curriculum

The Return of the Repressed
Gothic Horror from The Castle of Otranto to Alien

Adorno's Nietzschean Narratives
Critiques of Ideology, Readings of Wagner

Values and Educational Leadership

One-Sided Arguments
A Dialectical Analysis of Bias

Cultivating Dissent
Work, Identity, and Praxis in Rural Languedoc