State University of New York Press
Books from this publisher

Political Liberalism
Variations on a Theme

Female Ascetics in Hinduism

Globalization, Technology, and Philosophy

Rereading Freud
Psychoanalysis through Philosophy

Toni Morrison and Motherhood
A Politics of the Heart

The Japan That Never Was
Explaining the Rise and Decline of a Misunderstood Country

Religion and Peacebuilding

Edward Said at the Limits

Infamy, Darkness, Evil, and Slime on Screen

Indian Critiques of Gandhi

Beholders of Divine Secrets
Mysticism and Myth in the Hekhalot and Merkavah Literature

Between Femininities
Ambivalence, Identity, and the Education of Girls

Lives in Spirit
Precursors and Dilemmas of a Secular Western Mysticism

Psychology and the Question of Agency

Sporting Dystopias
The Making and Meanings of Urban Sport Cultures

Foucault, Cultural Studies, and Governmentality

Anna Freud, Melanie Klein, and Psychoanalytic Histories of Learning

Articulated Experiences
Toward a Radical Phenomenology of Contemporary Social Movements

Traditions and Transitions in Israel Studies

Anaximander in Context
New Studies in the Origins of Greek Philosophy

Methodology in Religious Studies
The Interface with Women's Studies

Democracy Growing Up
Authority, Autonomy, and Passion in Tocqueville's Democracy in America

Bernard Lonergan's Philosophy of Religion
From Philosophy of God to Philosophy of Religious Studies

The Unconscious Abyss
Hegel's Anticipation of Psychoanalysis

The Lord Who Is Half Woman
Ardhan?r??vara in Indian and Feminist Perspective

Working through Whiteness
International Perspectives

Maimonides and the Hermeneutics of Concealment
Deciphering Scripture and Midrash in The Guide of the Perplexed

Culture, Economy, Power
Anthropology as Critique, Anthropology as Praxis

Incorporating Cultural Theory
Maternity at the Millennium

The Norms of Answerability
Social Theory Between Bakhtin and Habermas

Between Ethics and Aesthetics
Crossing the Boundaries

Productive Postmodernism
Consuming Histories and Cultural Studies