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Oxford University Press

Books from this publisher

Child Health and the Environment

by (author) Donald T. Wigle

Histories of Canadian Children and Youth

by (author) Nancy Janovicek & Joy Parr

Race and Ethnicity

Finding Identities and Equalities

by (author) Leo Driedger

Finance Theory and Asset Pricing

Second Edition

by (author) Frank Milne


Patterns and Perspectives

edited by Judith Barker-Sandbrook

Under the Naked Sky

Short Stories from the Arab World

by (author) Denys Johnson-Davies

Different Drummers

Jazz in the Culture of Nazi Germany

by (author) Michael H. Kater

Organizational Change in 100 Days

A Fast Forward Guide

by (author) Elspeth J. Murray & Peter R. Richardson

The spoken word

Oral culture in Britain, 1500-1850

edited by Adam Fox & Daniel Woolf

Social Welfare in Canada

by (author) Andrew Armitage

Male witches in early modern Europe

by (author) Lara Apps & Andrew Gow

South Asia

A Historical Narrative

by (author) Mohammed Yunus & Aradhana Parmar

The Treatment of Obsessions

by (author) Stanley Rachman

Controversies in Hip Surgery

edited by Robert Bourne

A Merciful End

The Euthanasia Movement in Modern America

by (author) Ian R. Dowbiggin

Issues in Palliative Care Research

edited by Russell K. Portenoy & Eduardo Bruera

Policing and Punishment in London 1660-1750

Urban Crime and the Limits of Terror

by (author) J.M. Beattie

Mathematical Modeling of Physical Systems

An Introduction

by (author) Diran Basmadjian

Proceedings of the 17th International Seaweed Symposium

edited by Anthony R.O. Chapman, Robert J. Anderson, Valerie J. Vreeland & Ian R. Davison

Delirium in Old Age

edited by James Lindesay, Kenneth Rockwood & Alastair Macdonald

With Reverence for the Word

Medieval Scriptural Exegesis in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam

edited by Jane Dammen McAuliffe, Barry D. Walfish & Joseph W. Goering

Four Parts, No Waiting

A Social History of American Barbershop Harmony

by (author) Gage Averill

The Paintings of Eugene Delacroix

Fourth Supplement with reprint of Third Supplement

by (author) Lee Johnson

Assessment of Aphasia

by (author) Otfried Spreen & Anthony H. Risser

Penal Populism and Public Opinion

Lessons from Five Countries

by (author) Julian V. Roberts, Loretta J. Stalans, David Indermaur & Mike Hough

Le grand voyage - Starter Kit Nat. Ed.

Communi-Quête 1

by (author) Irene Bernard & Beverley Biggar

Roman Patrons of Greek Cities

by (author) Claude Eilers

The Canadian Oxford Dictionary on CD-ROM

by (author) Katherine Barber

Humble Apologetics

Defending the Faith Today

by (author) John G. Stackhouse

Rethinking Implicit Memory

edited by Jeffrey S. Bowers & Chad J. Marsolek

Transitions in Society

The Challenge of Change: Teacher's Resource

by (author) Marie Snyder

Destination Canada

Immigration Debates and Issues

by (author) Peter Li

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