Oxford University Press
Books from this publisher

Reproductive Health and Human Rights
Integrating Medicine, Ethics, and Law

My First Canadian Oxford Dictionary

My First Canadian Oxford Thesaurus
Illustrated by Steve Cox

Experience Canada
A Geography

Vascular Cognitive Impairment
Preventable Dementia

Fantasy Pieces
Metrical Dissonance in the Music of Robert Schumann

Short Fiction
An Anthology

Twentieth Century Viewpoints
An Interpretive History for the 21st Century

Language Rights and Political Theory

Energy and the Unexpected

Mosa:ique - Kit Nat. Ed.
Communi-Quête 1
A History of the Peoples of Canada

The Selected Journals of L.M. Montgomery, Volume II: 1910-1921

The Selected Journals of L.M. Montgomery, Volume III: 1921-1929

The Role of the Solvent in Chemical Reactions

Social Theory
Essential Readings

The Social Circulation of the Past
English Historical Culture 1500-1730

Writing Prose
Techniques and Purposes, Canadian Edition

Relocating Gender in Sikh History

Child Health and the Environment

Histories of Canadian Children and Youth

Race and Ethnicity
Finding Identities and Equalities

Finance Theory and Asset Pricing
Second Edition

Patterns and Perspectives

Under the Naked Sky
Short Stories from the Arab World

Different Drummers
Jazz in the Culture of Nazi Germany

Organizational Change in 100 Days
A Fast Forward Guide

The spoken word
Oral culture in Britain, 1500-1850

Social Welfare in Canada

Male witches in early modern Europe

South Asia
A Historical Narrative