Oxford University Press
Books from this publisher

My Very First Canadian Oxford Dictionary

Gastrointestinal Symptoms in Advanced Cancer Patients

Women in Indian Religions

Behavior and Its Neural Control in Gastropod Molluscs

The Moral and Political Status of Children

Lab Ref
A Handbook of Recipes, Reagents, and Other Reference Tools for Use at the Bench
'A Moving Rhetoricke'

Multicultural Social Work in Canada
Working with Diverse Ethno-Racial Communities

Child Custody, Law, and Women's Work
Environmental Law and the Energy Sector
Europe and North America

Analytic Theory of Polynomials

Moral Writings
The Canadian Oxford Compact Dictionary
Principles of Corticosteroid Therapy

Discovering Canada
Teacher's Resource
How Ottawa Spends 2002-2003
The Security Aftermath and National Priorities

The Gold Standard Illusion
France, the Bank of France, and the International Gold Standard, 1914-1939

Transitions in Society
The Challenge of Change


Empire, Welfare State, Europe
History of the United Kingdom 1906-2001

A Matter of Style
Writing and Technique

Parks and Protected Areas in Canada
Planning and Management

The Life and Work of Jane Ellen Harrison
The Politics of the Welfare State
Canada, Sweden, and the United States

Free Radicals in Food
Chemistry, Nutrition and Health Effects

Human Rights in Natural Resource Development
Public Participation in the Sustainable Development of Mining and Energy Resources

The Strategic Management of Intellectual Capital and Organizational Knowledge
A Collection Of Readings

Liberty and Conscience
A Documentary History of the Experiences of Conscientious Objectors in America through the Civil War

Freedom and Moral Sentiment
Hume's Way of Naturalizing Responsibility

Echoes 12
Fiction, Media and Non-Fiction

Discussing Chemistry and Steam
The Minutes of a Coffee House Philosophical Society 1780-1787

The Human Way: Introducing Anthropology, Psychology, and Sociology
Catholic Values Resource