Oxford University Press
Books from this publisher

Success in Seminars and Tutorials
A Guide for Social Science Students

Planning Canada
A Case Study Approach

Becoming an Active Reader
A Complete Resource for Reading and Writing

Uprooting the Pumpkin
Selections from Sri Lankan Tamil Literature, 1950-2012
The Practices of Global Ethics
Historical Developments, Current Issues and Contemporary Prospects

Health and Society
Critical Perspectives

First Nations People in Canada

The Army in Cromwellian England, 1649-1660

Diversity and Social Work in Canada

Cognitive Remediation to Improve Functional Outcomes

Successful Business Communication
Bridging the Gap

Philosophical Foundations of Fiduciary Law

The Joseph Johnson Letterbook

Have Your Say 3
Listening and Speaking Skills and Practice

Verb Movement and Clause Structure in Old Romanian

The Oxford Handbook of Gender in Organizations

Imagining queer feminist art histories

Men With Stakes
Masculinity and the gothic in US Television

The Epigram in England, 1590-1640

Discursive Constructions of Consent in the Legal Process

Arms Races in International Politics
From the Nineteenth to the Twenty-First Century

Education and Society
Canadian Perspectives

Social Control

McWhinney's Textbook of Family Medicine

Parenting Plan Evaluations
Applied Research for the Family Court

Writing in Engineering
A Brief Guide

Italy 1636
Cemetery of Armies

Skill Set
Strategies for Reading and Writing in the Canadian Classroom

Mass Communication in Canada
Eighth Edition

Women, Credit, and Debt In Early Modern Scotland

Aboriginal History
A Reader

Sociology of the Body
A Reader