Oxford University Press
Books from this publisher

Theories of International Political Economy
An Introduction

Citizen Trudeau, 1944-1965
An Intellectual Biography

The Oxford Handbook of John Donne

The Oxford Handbook of Music and Virtuality

Feature Writing for Journalism and Media Students

Films on Ice
Cinemas of the Arctic

The Ordering of the Christian Mind
Karl Barth and Theological Rationality

The Inquiring Organization
How Organizations Acquire Knowledge and Seek Information

Canadian Women and the Struggle for Equality

Thinking about Sociology
A Critical Introduction

Windows of Opportunity
How Women Seize Peace Negotiations for Political Change

A Cultural History

Unfolding Irish Landscapes
Tim Robinson, culture and environment

Brain and Behavior
A Cognitive Neuroscience Perspective

Placebo Talks
Modern perspectives on placebos in society

Questioning the Classroom
Perspectives on Canadian Education

The Poetics of Commemoration
Skaldic Verse and Social Memory, c. 890-1070

Storming Zion
Government Raids on Religious Communities

Imagining Sociology
An Introduction with Readings

The Collected Works of Gerard Manley Hopkins
Volume III: Diaries, Journals, and Notebooks

Fixing Reference

Sustaining the Nation
The Making and Moving of Language and Nation

Qualitative Research Methods in Human Geography

Talking Philosophy
Richard Sorabji in Conversation with Ramin Jahanbegloo

Global Organizational Expansion

The Oxford Handbook of Diversity in Organizations

Vocational Education in Canada

The Oxford Handbook of Greek Drama in the Americas

Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy, Volume 49

On 'Astronomia'
An Arabic Critical Edition and English Translation of Epistle 3

The Thermophysical Properties of Metallic Liquids

The Thermophysical Properties of Metallic Liquids
Volume 1 - Fundamentals