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McGill-Queen's University Press

Books from this publisher

From Cohen to Carson

The Poet's Novel in Canada

by (author) Ian Rae

Canada Among Nations, 2007

What Room for Manoeuvre?

by (author) Jean Daudelin & Daniel Schwanen

No Easy Fix

Global Responses to Internal Wars and Crimes Against Humanity

by (author) Patricia Marchak

Mordecai Richler

Leaving St Urbain

by (author) Reinhold Kramer

Women in Power

The Personalities and Leadership Styles of Indira Gandhi, Golda Meir, and Margaret Thatcher

by (author) Blema S. Steinberg

Fred Taylor

Brother in the Shadows

by (author) John Virtue

The Shady Side of Fifty

Age and Old Age in Late Victorian Canada and the United States

by (author) Lisa Dillon

Gender, Religion, and Modern Hindi Drama

by (author) Diana Dimitrova

Music in Canada

Capturing Landscape and Diversity

by (author) Elaine Keillor


Bouncers, Risk, and the Spectacle of Consumption

by (author) George S. Rigakos

The Making of the Nations and Cultures of the New World

An Essay in Comparative History

by (author) Gérard Bouchard

A Secret Trial

Brian Mulroney and the Public Trust

by (author) William Kaplan

Mr Charlotte Brontë

The Life of Arthur Bell Nicholls

by (author) Alan H. Adamson

Double Lives

Writing and Motherhood

by (author) Shannon Cowan


by (author) Jeffery Donaldson

Compositional Crossroads

Music, McGill, Montreal

edited by Eleanor V. Stubley

Transatlantic Subjects

Ideas, Institutions, and Social Experience in Post-Revolutionary British North America

by (author) Nancy Christie

Northern Spirits

John Watson, George Grant, and Charles Taylor - Appropriations of Hegelian Political Thought

by (author) Robert C. Sibley

The World in Canada

Diaspora, Demography, and Domestic Politics

by (author) David Carment & David Bercuson

The End of Ethics in a Technological Society

by (author) Lawrence E. Schmidt & Scott Marratto

The Blue Banner

The Presbyterian Church of Saint David and Presbyterian Witness in Halifax

by (author) Barry Cahill, Laurence DeWolfe & Murray Alary

The Sixties

Passion, Politics, and Style

by (author) Dimitry Anastakis

Rocke Robertson

Surgeon and Shepherd of Change

by (author) Richard W. Pound

A Canadian Priorities Agenda

Policy Choices to Improve Economic and Social Well-Being

by (author) Jeremy Leonard, Christopher Ragan & France St-Hilaire

Trade and Health

Seeking Common Ground

by (author) Chantal Blouin, Jody Heymann & Nick Drager

The Philosophy of Agamben

by (author) Catherine Mills

The Philosophy of Hegel

by (author) Allen Speight

Robert Brandom

by (author) Jeremy Wanderer

The Catholic Origins of Quebec's Quiet Revolution, 1931-1970

by (author) Michael Gauvreau

Return of Caribou to Ungava

by (author) A.T. Bergerud, Stuart N. Luttich & Lodewijk Camps

Shifting Voices

Feminist Thought and Women's Writing in Fin-de-Siècle Austria and Hungary

by (author) Agatha Schwartz

Women in British Imperial Airspace


by (author) Liz Millward

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