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J. Gordon Shillingford Publishing

Books from this publisher


by (author) Yasuhiko Ohasi
translated by M. Cody Poulton

The Walls of Africa

by (author) Hrant Alianak

You Are Here

by (author) Daniel MacIvor


Creative Ideas for Teaching Drama

by (author) Talia Pura

Intercultural Communication and Body Language

by (author) Johannes Galli


by (author) Johannes Galli & Michael Summ

Fools Paradise Volume 1


by (author) Johannes Galli

Fools Paradise Volume 2


by (author) Johannes Galli

Fools Paradise Volume 3


by (author) Johannes Galli

Seven Kellerkinder

The Archetypes

by (author) Johannes Galli & Michael Summ

Human Myth

by (author) Johannes Galli & Michael Summ


by (author) Johannes Galli & Michael Summ


by (author) Johannes Galli & Michael Summ


by (author) Johannes Galli & Michael Summ

Adam Baum and the Jew Movie

by (author) Daniel Goldfarb

This Hotel

by (author) Alex Poch-Goldin

Red Lips

by (author) Connie Gault

So Rarely in Our Skins

by (author) Robert Moore


by (author) Maureen Hunter

The Edible Woman

Based on the Novel by Margaret Atwood

by (author) Dave Carley

How Come I've Never Seen a Can of Broccoli?

by (author) Brian Black & Meghan Black


Why Science Needs Faith in the Twenty-First Century

by (author) Denyse O'Leary

Beside Myself

by (author) Jennifer Wynne Webber

In On It

by (author) Daniel MacIvor

Zadie's Shoes

by (author) Adam Pettle

Small Time

by (author) Norm Foster

Discovering The Bright Warrior

Confessions of a Social Activist

by (author) Joan Johannson

The Lonely Diner

Al Capone in Euphemia Township

by (author) Beverley Cooper


by (author) Anton Chekhov, Susan Coyne & Laszlo Marton

Tasting the Dark

New and Selected Poems

by (author) George Amabile

The Gap, The

by (author) Ian Ross

Trials and Errors

The People vs Brian Gordon Jack

by (author) John D. Montgomery
introduction by Hon Alfred M. Monnin

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