J. Gordon Shillingford Publishing
Books from this publisher
Transit of Venus
Dear Boss
Into the Hurricane
Attacking Socialism and the CCF
The Last Liberal
How It Works
The Way Boys Sometimes Are and Other Poems
Dry Streak
High Sticking
Acting Alone
A Drama Teacher's Monologue Survival Kit
A Curious Beatitude
Bye Bye Baby
No Great Mischief
Adapted from the Novel by Alistair MacLeod
Arthur Adamson
A Celebration
Where is Here?
A CBC Radio Drama Anthology (Vol. 2)
Where is Here?
A CBC Radio Drama Anthology, Vol 1
Organizer 2006, The
The Optimists
Bereav'd of Light
Eating the Wedding Gifts
Lean Years After Marriage Break-up
Bigger than Jesus
The Big League
Unfamiliar Weather
Molly's Veil
Joe from Winnipeg
All My Best
The Golden Woman
Dreaming as Art
Organizer 2005, The
Report on the Second Half of the Twentieth Century, Books 16-22
China Doll
The Eldritch Plays
Beyond Redemption
The People vs Lucas and Bender