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Durvile Publications

Books from this publisher

After the Force: True Cases and Investigations by Law Enforcement Officers

guest editor Debbie J. Doyle
narrator Lorene M. Shyba

After the Force

True Cases and Investigations by Law Enforcement Officers

edited by Debbie J. Doyle
foreword by Sherri Zickefoose
afterword by J. Thomas Dalby
by (author) Gwyneth Allin, Sharon Bourque, Elizabett Cordeiro, Marc Denis, Stu Gillett, Jackie Gordon, Val Hoglund, Ernie Louttit, Neil Masson, JoAnn McCartney, Debbie McGreal-Dinning, Ron Pond, Trish Haley, Tony Walshe & Dave Wilton

Iethka Nakoda Language in Iethka Nakoda Country

Îethka Îabi ne Îethka Mâkochî nen

by (author) Tina Fox, Trudy Wesley, Natasha Wesley & Glenda Crawler
illustrated by Tanisha Wesley

No Harm Done

Three Plays About Medical Conditions

by (author) Eugene Stickland, Crystal Phillips, Bin Hu, Dagmar Johnson, William Snell, Sherry L. Dupuis, Pia Kontos, Julia Gray, Christine Jonas-Simpson & Yves Sauvé

The River Troll

A Story About Love

by (artist) Rich Théroux

Stories of Métis Women

Tales My Kookum Told Me

edited by Bailey Oster & Marilyn Lizee
foreword by Audrey Poitras
translated by Mary SkyBlue Morin
by (artist) Krista Leddy

Stories of Métis Women

Tales My Kookum Told Me

by (author) Oster Bailey & Lizee Marilyn
foreword by Poitras Audrey
translated by Morin Mary Skyblue
cover design or artwork by Leddy Krista

We Remember the Coming of the White Man

Special Edition in Recognition of the 100th Anniversary of the Signing of Treaty 11

by (author) Raymond Yakeleya, Elizabeth Yakeleya, Simon Sarah, Leanne Goose, Sarah Simon & George Blondin
edited by Sarah Stewart
illustrated by Antoine Mountain
foreword by Walter Blondin

Chasia's Enchantment

Meditations, Poems and Inspirations

by (author) Hilda Chasia Smith

Chasia's Enchantment: Meditations, Poems, and Inspirations

Meditations, Poems, Inspirations

by (author) Hilda Chasia Smith

Go Ahead and Shoot Me! And Other True Cases About Ordinary Criminals

And Other True Cases About Ordinary Criminals

by (author) Doug Heckbert
afterword by Debbie J. Doyle
foreword by Howard Sapers
cover design or artwork by Rich Théroux
general editor Lorene Shyba

Ross Mackay, The Saga of a Brilliant Criminal Lawyer

And his big losses and bigger wins in court and in life

by (author) Jack Batten

Trump, Twitter & The Law

The Trump presidency as seen through his Tweets and related legal issues, laws, and court decisions.

by (author) Sheldon Burshtein

Ordinary Criminals: Go Ahead and Shoot Me and Other True Stories

And Other True Cases About Ordinary Criminals

by (author) Heckbert Doug
foreword by Sapers Howard
afterword by Doyle Debbie J.

Trump, Twitter & The Law

by (author) Burshtein Sheldon

Ross Mackay, The Saga of a Brilliant Criminal Lawyer

And his big losses and bigger wins in court and in life

by (author) Batten Jack


Crime and Disorders of the Mind

edited by Shyba Lorene & Dalby J. Thomas
foreword by Ramshaw Lisa

We Remember the Coming of the White Man

by (author) Yakeleya Elizabeth & Simon Sarah
edited by Stewart Sarah
foreword by Yakeleya Raymond
afterword by Poitras Colette

Vistas of the West

Poems and Visuals of Nature

by (author) Daley Doris
edited by Kapustka Larry
curated by Kristoferson Susan

Generative Art

Algorithms as Artistic Tool

by (author) James R. Parker
foreword by Sara L. Diamond


Poetry and Visuals of the Sensuous

by (author) Carrie Schiffler & Johanna Stickland

Ducks Redux

Fueling Flames in Oil Land

by (author) Lorene Shyba & C.D. Evans
illustrated by Rich Théroux

Ducks Redux

Fueling Flames in Oil Land

by (author) Shyba LM & Evans CD
illustrated by Théroux Rich

Vistas of the West

Poems and Visuals of Nature

by (author) Doris Daley
curated by Susan Kristoferson
edited by Lawrence Kapustka
series edited by Lorene Shyba

Florence Kinrade

Lizzie Borden of the North

by (author) Frank Jones

Florence Kinrade

Lizzie Borden of the North

by (author) Frank Jones

Lillian and Kokomis

The Spirit of Dance

by (author) Lynda Partridge
by (artist) Dave Nicholson
foreword by Chief Stacey Laforme


Passion for Law Reform

by (author) Nancy Morrison
foreword by Stevie Cameron

Big Secret Book

An Intense Guide for Creating Performance Theatre

by (author) Denise Clarke
foreword by John Murrell

Red Star Utopia

Inside North Korea

by (author) Austin Andrews
foreword by Simon Cockerell

True Cases Boxed Set

Criminal Lawyers, Judges, and Shrinks on Cases that Haunt Them

edited by William Trudell, Shyba Lorene, C.D. Evans & J. Thomas Dalby

Women in Criminal Justice

True Cases By and About Canadian Women and the Law

edited by William Trudell & Lorene Shyba
foreword by Beverley McLachlin

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