Canadian Museum of History
Books from this publisher
Dakah De’nin’s Village and the Dixthada Site
A Contribution to Northern Athapaskan Prehistory
Thule Eskimo Culture
An Anthropological Retrospective
Pleistocene Bone Technology in the Beringian Refugium
The Palaeoeskimo Occupations at Port Refuge, High Arctic Canada
Lunenburg County folklore and oral hishistory
Project '77
Inuit songs from Eskimo Point
Hooper Bay kayak construction
Contes indiens de la basse côte nord du Saint Laurent Rémi Savard.
Athapaskan women
Lives and legends
Textile traditions of eastern Newfoundland
Solstice-aligned boulder configurations in Saskatchewan
Working papers on a Canadian prairie community
Eight Inuit myths / Inuit unipkaaqtuat pingasuniarvinilit
Case and context in Inuktitut (Eskimo)
Eskimo economics
An aspect of culture change at Rankin Inlet
Tanneurs et tanneries du Bas-Saint-Laurent (1900-1930)
Western Canadian history
Museum interpretations
Swiss-German and Dutch-German Mennonite traditional art in the Waterloo Region, Ontario
Skill and status
Traditional expertise within a rural Canadian family
A reference grammar for the coast Tsimshian language
The context of the informant narrative performance
From sociolinguistics to ethnolinguistics at Fort Chipewyan, Alberta
Many voices
A study of folklore activities in Canada and their role in Canadian culture
Contributions to Canadian linguistics
Suffixes of the Eskimo dialects of Cumberland Peninsula and North Baffin Island
Inuit adoption
Aspects of Inuit value socialization
Cabinetmaker's art in Ontario, c. 1850-1900
Prehistory of the Aishihik-Kluane Area, Southwest Yukon Territory
Late Prehistory of Point Pelee, Ontario and Environs
Archaeological Investigations at the Atigun Site, Central Brooks Range, Alaska
Reports of the Lillooet Archaeological Project
1. Introduction and Setting