Canadian Museum of History
Books from this publisher
The Far Northeast
3000 BP to Contact
Petun to Wyandot
The Ontario Petun from the Sixteenth Century
Old Man’s Playing Ground
Gaming and Trade on the Plains/Plateau Frontier
Stefansson, Dr. Anderson and the Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-1918
A story of exploration, science and sovereignty
North American Aboriginal hide tanning
The act of transformation and revival
Painting the Past with a Broad Brush
Papers in Honour of James Valliere Wright
Family origin histories
The whaling indians: West Coast legends and stories — Part 11 of the Sapir-Thomas Nootka texts
Subsistence and Culture in the Western Canadian Arctic
A Multicontextual Approach
Through darkening spectacles
Memoirs of Diamond Jenness
Crafting new traditions
Canadian innovators and influences
William E. Logan's 1845 survey of the Upper Ottawa Valley
Origin of the wolf ritual
The whaling indians: West Coast legends and stories — Part 12 of the Sapir-Thomas Nootka texts
More than words
Readings in transport, communication and the history of postal communication
Around and about Marius Barbeau
Modelling twentieth-century culture
Sakura in the Land of the Maple Leaf
Japanese cultural traditions in Canada
Boat building in Winterton, Trinity Bay, Newfoundland
Contributions to the Study of the Dorset Palaeo-Eskimos
Mediterranean reconsidered
Representations, emergences, recompositions
Comment se pensent le Nous et le Moi dans l'espace mythique des nomades septentrionaux sekani
Beads of life
Eastern and Southern African beadwork from Canadian collections
Mi'kmaq and Maliseet cultural ancestral material
National collections from the Canadian Museum of Civilization
Yeenoo dài' k'è'tr'ijilkai' ganagwaandaii / Long ago sewing we will remember
The story of the Gwich'in Traditional Caribou Skin Clothing Project
Archaeological Research in the Lesser Slave Lake Region
A Contribution to the Pre-Contact History of the Boreal Forest of Alberta
Late Palaeo-Indian Great Lakes
Geological and Archaeological Investigations of Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene Environments
Passion for the Past
Papers in Honour of James F. Pendergast
Urban street furniture in Canada
Ideal world of Mrs. Widder's soirée musicale
Music and difference in nineteenth-century Ontario
Toute une histoire
Les boîtes aux lettres canadiennes
Clifton Royal
The Wetmores and village life in nineteenth-century New Brunswick
Whadoo tehmi / Long-ago people's packsack
Dene babiche bags: tradition and revival
Bones of the Ancestors
The Archaeology and Osteobiography of the Moatfield Ossuary
Courrier est arrivé
La poste rurale au Canada de 1880 à 1945