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Canadian Museum of History

Books from this publisher

Contributions to the Later Prehistory of Kodiak Island, Alaska

by (author) Donald Woodforde Clark & Frederick A. Milan

Archaeological Collections from Norutak Lake on the Kobuk-Alatna River Portage, Northwestern Alaska

by (author) Donald Woodforde Clark

Crowsnest Pass Archaeological Project

1973 Salvage Excavations and Survey Paper No. 2: Preliminary Report

by (author) Brian O.K. Reeves

Some sources for women's history in the Public Archives of Canada

by (author) Heather Rielly & Marilyn Hindmarch

Evaluative ethno-historical bibliography of the Malecite Indians

by (author) Michel R.P. Herisson

Proceedings of the first congress, Canadian Ethnology Society

edited by Jerome H. Barkow

Koyukuk River culture

by (author) Annette McFadyen Clark

Communications Division: annual review, 1973

edited by Barbara Tyler

Archaeological Salvage Projects 1973

by (author) William J. Byrne

Riding on the frontier's crest

Mahican Indian culture and culture change

by (author) Theodore, J.C. Brasser

A bibliography of the Athapaskan languages

by (author) Richard T. Parr

History Division: annual review, 1973

by (author) F.J. Thorpe


The native people in Quebec historical writing on the Heroic Period (1534-1663) of New France

by (author) Donald B. Smith

Some aspects of the grammar of the Eskimo dialects of Cumberland Peninsula and North Baffin Island

by (author) Kenn Harper

Faunal Remains from the Nodwell Site (Bchi-3) and from Four Other Sites in Bruce County, Ontario

by (author) Frances L. Stewart


Ethnographic film programs of the National Museum of Man, 1913-1973

by (author) David W. Zimmerly

Belly River

Prehistoric Population Dynamics in a Northwestern Plains Transitional Zone

by (author) J. Michael Quigg

Archaeological Reconnaissance in Northern Interior District of Mackenzie: 1969, 1970 and 1972

by (author) Donald Woodforde Clark

The McCluskey Site

by (author) Kenneth C.A. Dawson

Archaeology of the Lake Harbour District, Baffin Island

by (author) Moreau S. Maxwell

Artifacts from the CCFCS collections

Sampling # 1

by (author) Philip V.R. Tilney

Ethnology Division: Annual review 1972

edited by Barry Reynolds

Middle ground

Social change in an arctic community, 1967-1971

by (author) Joel S. Savishinsky & Susan B. Frimmer


Magico-religious beliefs of contact-traditional Chipewan trading at Fort Resolution, NWT, Canada

by (author) David Merrill Smith

Cow Point

An Archaic Cemetery in New Brunswick

by (author) David Sanger

Archaeological Investigations in the Hecate Strait, Milbanke South Area of British Columbia

by (author) Bjorn O. Simonsen

Folk narrative among Ukrainian-Canadians in western Canada

by (author) Robert B. Klymasz

Communications Division: annual review, 1972-73

edited by Barbara Tyler

Archaeological Survey of Canada: Annual Review 1972

edited by George F. MacDonald

Canadian War Museum: annual review 1972

by (author) Frank McGuire

Canadian Centre for Folk Culture Studies annual review 1972

edited by Carmen Roy

A grammar of Akwesasne Mohawk

by (author) Nancy Bonvillain

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