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Canadian Museum of History

Books from this publisher

Communications Division: annual review, 1974

edited by Barbara Tyler

A basketful of Indian culture change

by (author) Theodore, J.C. Brasser

Papers of the sixth Algonquian Conference, 1974

edited by William Cowan

Bella Coola ceremony and art

by (author) Margaret A. Stott

Canadian Ethnology Service: Annual review 1974

edited by Barry Reynolds

A contextual study of the Caribou Eskimo kayak

by (author) Eugene Yuji Arima

Proceedings: Northern Athapaskan Conference, 1971: Volume 1

edited by Annette McFadyen Clark

Place of refuge for all time

Migration of the American Potawatomi into Upper Canada, 1830 to 1850

by (author) James A. Clifton

Proceedings: Northern Athapaskan Conference, 1971: Volume 2

edited by Annette McFadyen Clark

proto-Algonquian dictionary

by (author) George F. Aubin

Cree narrative

Expressing the personal meanings of events

by (author) Richard J. Preston

Contributions to Canadian ethnology, 1975

edited by David Brez Carlisle

Proceedings of the second congress, Canadian Ethnology Society: Volume 1

edited by Jim Freedman & Jerome H. Barkow

Proceedings of the second congress, Canadian Ethnology Society: Volume 2

edited by Jim Freedman & Jerome H. Barkow

Canadian Centre for Folk Culture Studies annual review 1974

edited by G.W. Maclennan

People in the tobacco belt

Four lives

by (author) Linda Dégh

Un ferblantier de campagne (1875-1950)

by (author) Jean-Pierre Hardy

Forgeron de campagne

Un inventaire d'outils

by (author) Andre [et al ]. Berube

Ville de Québec, 1800-1850

Un inventaire de cartes et plans

by (author) Edward H. [et al ]. Dahl

Ethnology Division: Annual review 1974

edited by Barry Reynolds

Riding on the frontier's crest

Mahican Indian culture and culture change

by (author) Theodore, J.C. Brasser

A bibliography of the Athapaskan languages

by (author) Richard T. Parr

Some aspects of the grammar of the Eskimo dialects of Cumberland Peninsula and North Baffin Island

by (author) Kenn Harper

Evaluative ethno-historical bibliography of the Malecite Indians

by (author) Michel R.P. Herisson

Proceedings of the first congress, Canadian Ethnology Society

edited by Jerome H. Barkow

Koyukuk River culture

by (author) Annette McFadyen Clark

Ethnobotany of the Blackfoot Indians

by (author) John C. Hellson & Morgan Gadd

From the earth to beyond the sky

An ethnographic approach to four Longhouse Iroquois speech events

by (author) Michael K. Foster


Ethnographic film programs of the National Museum of Man, 1913-1973

by (author) David W. Zimmerly

History Division: annual review, 1973

by (author) F.J. Thorpe

Some sources for women's history in the Public Archives of Canada

by (author) Heather Rielly & Marilyn Hindmarch

Canadian War Museum: annual review 1973

edited by Lee Murray

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