Steven Heighton: A Brilliant Life
Writers, publishers, and readers were so saddened to hear that deeply admired and award-winning poet, author, and songwriter Steven Heighton has passed away. We send love to his friends and family and invite you to explore this list of his works as well as some of the collections in which his writing appears.

The Waking Comes Late

Reaching Mithymna
Among the Volunteers and Refugees on Lesvos

Every Lost Country

Memos & Dispatches On Writing

The Admen Move on Lhasa
Writing and Culture In A Virtual World

Flight Paths of the Emperor

Selected Poems 1983–2020

The Virtues of Disillusionment

Patient Frame

The Address Book

The Shadow Boxer

Stalin's Carnival

The Nightingale Won't Let You Sleep


The Stray and the Strangers

Locations of Grief
An Emotional Geography

Carnal Nation
Brave New Sex Fictions

Finding the Words
Writers on Inspiration, Desire, War, Celebrity, Exile, and Breaking the Rules

What the Poets Are Doing

Best Canadian Stories

Earth and Heaven
An Anthology of Myth Poetry

Poems for the Pacific

An Anthology of Greek-Canadian Literature

An Anthology