2020 Saskatchewan Book Awards Shortlists
The winners of the 2020 Saskatchewan Book Awards will be announced on-line in a virtual awards show set for Thursday, May 28, 2020, at 7:00 pm.. The 45 minute program will be broadcast through social media platforms. Hosting the 27th annual Saskatchewan Book Awards as planned on April 25, 2020, presented a challenge in light of the Covid-19 pandemic, but with continued support from our sponsors and assistance of the Saskatchewan Writers Guild, our Board of Directors has reimagined a virtual event to honour and celebrate Saskatchewan’s talented writing and publishing community. Learn more at https://www.bookawards.sk.ca/

Strangers in the House
A Prairie Story of Bigotry and Belonging

Adam Pottle on Writing with Deafness

Blanket Toss Under Midnight Sun
Portraits of Everyday Life in Eight Indigenous Communities

Peace and Good Order
The Case for Indigenous Justice in Canada


The Underdog Duckling

When We Had Sled Dogs
A Story from the Trapline—ācimowin ohci wanihikīskanāhk

This Hole Called January

The Dry Valley

Back to Blakeney
The Revitalization of the Democratic State

Imagining Child Welfare in the Spirit of Reconciliation

Bone Black

Five Red Sentries

A Walk in Wascana

Frenemy Nations
Love and Hate between Neighbo(u)ring States

Performing Turtle Island
Indigenous Theatre on the World Stage

Lac Pelletier
My Métis Home

Black Writers Matter
Revised Edition

Angry Queer Somali Boy
A Complicated Memoir

No Surrender
The Land Remains Indigenous

Adam's Tree

The Voyageurs
Forefathers of the Métis Nation