2017 Kobo Emerging Writer Prize Shortlist
Rakuten Kobo, in search for the best new books written by debut Canadian authors, today announced the shortlist for its third annual Emerging Writer Prize. The award was created with the goal of kick-starting the careers of debut authors, with a $10,000 CAD cash prize awarded to a book in each of three categories: Non-Fiction, Literary Fiction, and Genre Fiction (Speculative Fiction this year). In addition, each winning author will receive promotional, marketing, and communications support through 2017.

Notes from the Orgasmic Frontier of Female Sexuality

In-Between Days
A Memoir About Living with Cancer

100 Million Years of Food
What Our Ancestors Ate and Why It Matters Today

Fearless as Possible (Under the Circumstances)
A Memoir

The Translation of Love

Kay's Lucky Coin Variety


The Clay Girl
A Novel

Girl Mans Up

The Darkhouse