There is nothing tame about Canadian books.

Wildness Rushing In

The Deerholme Foraging Book
Wild Foods and Recipes from the Pacific Northwest

Wild Blue
A Natural History of the World's Largest Animal

Becoming Wild
Living the Primitive Life on a West Coast Island

Sleeping with Rhinos
Journeys to Wild Places

The Cougar
Beautiful, Wild and Dangerous

Wild Women
Painters of the Wilderness

North of Familiar
A Woman's Story of Homesteading and Adventure in the Canadian Wilderness

Chilcotin Chronicles
Stories of Adventure and Intrigue from British Columbia's Central Interior

Smitten by Giraffe
My Life as a Citizen Scientist

Dynamic Forest
Man Versus Nature in the Boreal Forest

Some Useful Wild Plants
A Foraging Guide to Food and Medicine From Nature

The Magnificent Nahanni
The Struggle to Protect a Wild Place