David A. Wolfe
Books by David A. Wolfe

Growing Urban Economies
Innovation, Creativity, and Governance in Canadian City-Regions

Innovating in Urban Economies
Economic Transformation in Canadian City-Regions

Ce que les parents doivent savoir sur les comportements à risque des adolescents
Stratégies pour réduire les problème á l'alcool, aux drogues, aux jeux de hasard et à Internet

What Parents Need to Know about Teen Risk-Taking
Strategies for Reducing the Risks of Alcohol, Tobacco, Other Drugs and Gambling

Ce que les parents doivent savoir sur leurs adolescents
Faits, mythes et strategies

What Parents Need to Know about Teens
Facts, Myths and Strategies

Acting Out
Understanding and Reducing Aggressive Behaviour in Children and Youth

Clusters in a Cold Climate
Innovation Dynamics in a Diverse Economy

Clusters Old and New
The Transition to a Knowledge Economy in Canada's Regions

Innovation, Institutions and Territory
Regional Innovation Systems in Canada