Frank Davey
Books by Frank Davey

Everybody’s Martyrology

Poems Suitable to Current Material Conditions

aka bpNichol
a preliminary biography

aka bpNichol
a preliminary biography

When Tish Happens
The Unlikely Story of Canada’s “Most Influential Literary Magazine”

Bardy Google

All These Roads
The Poetry of Louis Dudek

Back to the War

Mr. and Mrs. G. G.

How Linda Died

ABC of Reading TRG

Cultural Mischief
A Practical Guide to Multiculturalism

Outsider Notes
Feminist Approaches to Nation State Ideology, Writers/Readers and Publishing

Canadian Literary Power

Popular Narratives

Louis Riel Organ & Piano Co.

Margaret Atwood
A Feminist Poetics

Surviving the Paraphrase

Selected Poems
The Arches