Elizabeth Baird
Books by Elizabeth Baird

Mrs Dalgairns's Kitchen
Rediscovering "The Practice of Cookery"

Recipes for Victory
Great War Food from the Front and Kitchens Back Home in Canada

Setting a Fine Table
Historic Desserts and Drinks from the Officers' Kitchens at Fort York

Canada's Favourite Recipes

Best Recipes of the Maritime Provinces
The best tasting recipes from home cooks and leading chefs

A Taste of Canada
A culinary journey

Summer Berries
Great Canadian Recipes

Elizabeth Baird's Classic Canadian Cooking
Menus for the Seasons

Elizabeth Baird's Favourites
150 Classic Canadian Recipes
More Kids in the Kitchen

Apples, Peaches and Pears

Apples, Peaches and Pears
Classic Canadian Cooking
Menus for the Seasons