In her new collection Woman Walking: Selected Poems Elizabeth Rhett Woods wanders the world as we know it, singing secular hymns to contemporary life. For decades now, Woods has been writing clear and austere poems of straightforward brilliance and Woman Walking is a compilation of the many directions her path has taken her. An accomplished prose stylist as well, Woods poetry extends from the challenging yet ironic discourse on gender politics of Men through the rich personal lyricism of Absinthe of Desire to the political charged docu-narrative of 1970: A Novel Poem––a stylistic range spread over her career governed by personal integrity and by exemplary moral committment.
About the author
Elizabeth Rhett Woods has published five books of poetry and three novels, including Beyond The Pale (Ekstasis Editions, 2006) and the underground classic The Yellow Volkswagen (PaperJacks, 1971). Her poetry and plays, including the 90-minute verse play Maya (Tuesday Night, 1974) have been broadcast on CBC Radio. Ekstasis Editions published Woman Walking: Selected Poems in 2009. She lives in Victoria, BC.