Coyote: A Tale of Unexpected Consequences is a novel about an intelligent robot coyote who longs to be free. Wealthy poet, Zoe Neville, decides to make a film about a robot coyote being used to smuggle a small quantity of marijuana into the United States in a private protest against the invasive spy equipment the U.S. has set up along the border, otherwise known as Zero Avenue. Incorporating poetry as well as prose, the novel explores the development of consciousness and personhood, friendship between women and men, freedom, and what it means in practice to be free.
About the author
Elizabeth Rhett Woods has published five books of poetry and three novels, including Beyond The Pale (Ekstasis Editions, 2006) and the underground classic The Yellow Volkswagen (PaperJacks, 1971). Her poetry and plays, including the 90-minute verse play Maya (Tuesday Night, 1974) have been broadcast on CBC Radio. Ekstasis Editions published Woman Walking: Selected Poems in 2009. She lives in Victoria, BC.