Recommended Age, Grade, and Reading Levels
- Age: 8 to 12
- Grade: 3 to 7
It is June 1862. Lisa and her family are now in Kamloops, almost at the end of their journey to Cariboo. But with new baby Rose to take care of, Lisa’s parents are happy to stay put. Lisa can’t believe they want to stay in Kamloops and give up a chance to find gold. Then a letter arrives from her newly married cousin, Archie, and Lisa discovers an alternative. She will go to Cariboo to be with Archie and his new wife, and she’ll find gold all by herself—enough for her whole family!
Welcome back to Our Canadian Girl, and the continuing adventures of Lisa and many other smart, spirited, and courage-ous girls. They come from different places and times in Canadian history, and each of them meets some ordinary—and extra-ordinary—challenges in her day-to-day life.
About the author
by Priscilla Galloway and illustrated by Normand Cousineau
Other titles by

Adventures on the Ancient Silk Road

Our Canadian Girl Lisa #4 Have I Found a Goldmine

Our Canadian Girl Lisa #3 the Trouble with Gold
The Trouble With Gold

Too Young to Fight
Memories from our Youth During World War II

Archers, Alchemists
and 98 Other Medieval Jobs You Might Have Loved or Loathed

Our Canadian Girl Lisa #1 Overland To Cariboo
Overland To Cariboo

Truly Grim Tales

Jennifer Has Two Daddies

Where is Tommycat?
Anna, Paul & Tommycat

Tommycat Is Gone Again
Anna, Paul & Tommycat