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Children's Fiction New Baby

It’s a They! / Bienvenue à notre adelphe!

by (author) Lindsay Herriot

translated by Rachel Martinez

Orca Book Publishers
Initial publish date
Apr 2024
New Baby, Siblings, LGBT
  • Paperback / softback

    Publish Date
    Apr 2024
    List Price
  • eBook

    Publish Date
    Apr 2024
    List Price

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Recommended Age, Grade, and Reading Levels

  • Age: 3 to 5
  • Grade: p to k
  • Reading age: 3 to 5


Il y a un nouveau bébé dans notre famille.

Dans cet album bilingue anglais-français, au joli texte en rimes et non genré, des frères et sœurs – des adelphes – célèbrent avec joie l’arrivée d’un nouveau-né dans la famille. Le bébé est tout doux dans son pyjama douillet aux jolies couleurs. Iel aime sommeiller et se faire bercer. Quand on demande à ses parents si le bébé est un garçon ou une fille, ils répondent : « Nous ne le savons pas encore, mais iel fait partie de la famille. Iel fait notre bonheur. » Cette histoire illustrée de charmantes photos de bébés et de bambins d’origines diverses montre que peu importe le genre que l’enfant choisira un jour, tout le monde l’aimera comme iel est.

About the authors

Dr. Lindsay Herriot is a full-time inclusion/special education teacher in the Greater Victoria School District. She also works at the University of Victoria in several capacities, as an adjunct/sessional professor in both the Faculty of Education and School of Child and Youth Care and as a fellow at the Centre for Studies in Religion and Society. A cisgender, bisexual, white settler, Lindsay is originally from unceded Mi'kmaq territory in New Brunswick and is of Acadian, Scottish and Anglo heritage. She now lives on the unceded territory of the Lekwungen Peoples in Victoria, BC, with her spouse and two young children.


Lindsay Herriot's profile page

Depuis une vingtaine d’années, Rachel Martinez a publié plus de quatre-vingts traductions dans des domaines variés pour des éditeurs francophones réputés : roman, arts visuels, récit, biographie, essai et littérature jeunesse. Elle a fait partie du conseil consultatif du Centre international de traduction littéraire de Banff de 2017 jusqu’à sa dissolution en 2019, et a siégé plusieurs années au conseil d’administration de l’Association des traducteurs et traductrices littéraires du Canada. Une mention sur la Liste d’honneur 2014 de l’International Board on Books for Young People (IBBY) et le Prix des libraires du Québec 2017 (catégorie 12-17 ans, hors Québec) figurent parmi les marques de reconnaissance qu’elle a reçues. Elle a remporté en 2005 le prix du Gouverneur général du Canada en traduction française pour Glenn Gould, une vie de Kevin Bazzana et a été finaliste en 2013 et 2015.


Rachel Martinez's profile page

Editorial Reviews

“Opens the door to conversations about gender identity…The diversity and tenderness of the photographs along with inclusive language make this a progressive addition to most collections, and a must for the LGBTQIA+ shelves.”

School Library Journal (SLJ)

“No matter the chosen gender or identity the baby will be loved and accepted. The pictures, text and length of the book are appropriately engaging. Young children will want to explore the pictures on their own, identifying with the images whether the book is found in a preschool classroom or at home.”

Children's Literature Comprehensive Database (CLCD)

“The book encourages conversations about gender while offering a departure from traditional binary perspectives.”

BC BookWorld

“From expanding the traditional pink-or-blue baby-clothes palette to being more conscious of how one refers to others…Herriot’s book remains steadfast in its proclamation of embracing love for everyone. This book, with its stylish design and typography, sweet photographs, and proud message, would make an especially perfect baby-shower or new-baby gift for LGBTQIA+ families and their allies.”


“A refreshing change from the heavily gendered materials and language commonly used around new babies, and [it] will be a welcome addition for anyone who feels uncomfortable with the pink or blue baby binary. With engaging photos and cute and clever rhymes, It’s a They! is a sweet welcome baby book that gently introduces the concept of gender-neutral pronouns. Highly Recommended.”

CM: Canadian Review of Materials

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