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Language Arts & Disciplines Archives & Special Libraries

Bibliothèques et archives dans les communautés de langue officielle en situation minoritaire

Enjeux et devenir

contributions by Alain Roy, Lucie Hotte, Hélène Carrier, Nadia Caidi, Céline Gareau-Brennan, Catherine Lachaîne, Lorraine O’Donnell, Martin Pâquet, Richard A. Russo, Sarah Shaughnessy & Raymond Théberge

edited by Linda Savoie

series edited by Pierre Anctil

Les Presses de l'Université d'Ottawa/University of Ottawa Press
Initial publish date
Nov 2024
Archives & Special Libraries, General, Minority Studies
  • eBook

    Publish Date
    Nov 2024
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Recommended Age, Grade, and Reading Levels

  • Age: 15 to 18
  • Grade: 10 to 12


This book highlights the role of libraries and archives in preserving the memory of official-language minority communities (OLMCs) and their contribution to the vitality of these communities, particularly that of their collective memory.
This reflection is based on three transversal axes. The first concerns documentary heritage's support for memorial vitality, and the efforts made by libraries and archives to promote and make accessible archives and support community memory. The second concerns the policies needed to support access and remove language barriers. The last concerns the state and development of collections, particularly OLMC representation.
The book is divided into two sections. The first, "Libraries: collections and policies in favor of linguistic minorities," presents various issues related to libraries serving minority language communities from a national and international perspective, while the second, "Archives for living communities," focuses on the contribution of community archives to the vitality of OLMCs from east to west across the country.
This book is published in French.

About the authors

Alain Roy est prêtre du diocèse de Montréal. Curé de la paroisse Saint-Joachim (Pointe-Claire) il est un prédicateur et un animateur recherché et très apprécié. Il a publié chez Novalis Noël (coll. Les petits carnets, 2010) et 40 façons de parler de Dieu (Novalis, 2009).

Alain Roy's profile page

Lucie Hotte est professeure titulaire au Département de français et titulaire de la Chaire de recherche sur les cultures et les littératures francophones du Canada. Elle travaille actuellement à un projet de recherche subventionné par le Conseil de recherches en sciences humaines (CRSH, 2015-2020) portant sur les réseaux littéraires franco-canadiens. Lucie Hotte est également vice-présidente élue du Conseil international d’études francophones depuis juin 2015.

Lucie Hotte's profile page

Hélène Carrier's profile page

Linda Savoie's profile page

Nadia Caidi's profile page

Céline Gareau-Brennan's profile page

Catherine Lachaîne's profile page

Lorraine O’Donnell's profile page


Martin Pâquet is professor of history at Université Laval and holds the Chair for the Development of Research in French Culture in North America (CÉFAN).


Martin Pâquet's profile page

Richard A. Russo's profile page

Sarah Shaughnessy's profile page

Raymond Théberge's profile page

Pierre Anctil is an award-winning author, a member of the Royal Society of Canada since 2012 and a full professor at the Department of History of the University of Ottawa, where he teaches contemporary Canadian history and Canadian Jewish history. He has written at length on the history of Montreal’s Jewish community and on the current debates on cultural pluralism in Canada. His most recent English-language titles are Jacob Isaac Segal: A Montreal Yiddish Poet and His Milieu (2017) and A Reluctant Welcome for Jewish People: Voices in Le Devoir’s Editorials, 1910–1947 (2019), both at the University of Ottawa Press.

Pierre Anctil's profile page

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