Browse Books in Agriculture

The Home Blacksmith
Tools, Techniques, and 40 Practical Projects for the Blacksmith Hobbyist

Terra Preta
How the World's Most Fertile Soil Can Help Reverse Climate Change and Reduce World Hunger

The Urban Farmer
Growing Food for Profit on Leased and Borrowed Land

The Ethical Meat Handbook
Complete home butchery, charcuterie and cooking for the conscious omnivore

A Profession of Hope
Farming on the Edge of the Grizzly Trail

Permaculture for the Rest of Us
Abundant Living on Less than an Acre

Cash Cow
Ten Myths about the Dairy Industry

Saving Farmland
The Fight for Real Food

Nothing Too Good for a Cowboy
A True Account of Life on the Last Great Cattle Frontier

A Biodynamic Manual
Practical Instructions for Farmers and Gardeners

The Market Gardener (EPUB)
A Successful Grower's Handbook for Small-Scale Organic Farming

The Market Gardener (PDF)
A Successful Grower's Handbook for Small-Scale Organic Farming

The Market Gardener
A Successful Grower's Handbook for Small-Scale Organic Farming

Improving Your Soil
A Practical Guide to Soil Management for the Serious Home Gardener

Resistance Is Fertile
Canadian Struggles on the BioCommons

Pure Poultry (PDF)
Living Well with Heritage Chickens, Turkeys and Ducks

Raising Goats Naturally (PDF)
The Complete Guide to Milk, Meat and More

Real Dirt
An Ex-industrial Farmer's Guide to Sustainable Eating

Growing Resistance
Canadian Farmers and the Politics of Genetically Modified Wheat

The Inside Scoop on Rooftop Agriculture

Aboriginal Peoples and Forest Lands in Canada

Plowing with Pigs and Other Creative, Low-Budget Homesteading Solutions (PDF)

The Light Through the Trees
Reflections on Land and Farming