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Browse Books in Native American Studies

Alaska No.3 - Hughes - H.Beatus

Henry Beatus Sr. - A Biography

by (author) Curt Madison & Yvonne Yarber

Alaska No.7 - Koyukuk - Dayton

Roger Dayton - A Biography

by (author) Curt Madison & Yvonne Yarber

Alaska No.1 - Allakaket - Henzie

Moses Henzie - A Biography

by (author) Allakaket


Art of the Haida

by (author) Leslie Drew & Doug Wilson

Strangers in Blood

Fur Trade Company Families in Indian Country

by (author) Jennifer S.H. Brown

Kyuquot way

A study of a West Coast (Nootkan) community

by (author) Susan M. Kenyon

Algonquin ethnobotany

An interpretation of aboriginal adaptation in Southwestern Quebec

by (author) Meredith Jean Black

Inuit language in southern Labrador from 1694-1785 / La langue inuit au Sud du Labrador de 1964 à 1785

by (author) Louis-Jacques Dorais

Hare Indians and their world

by (author) Hiroko S. Hara

Canoe construction in a Cree cultural tradition

by (author) James Garth Taylor

Trappers of Patuanak

Toward a spatial ecology of modern hunters

by (author) Robert Jarvenpa

Persistent ceremonialism: the Plains Cree and Saulteaux

by (author) Koozma J. Tarasoff

North Wakashan comparative root list

edited by Neville J. Lincoln
by (author) John C. Rath

Charcoal's World

The True Story of a Canadian Indian's Last Stand

by (author) Hugh Dempsey

Bringing Home Animals

Religious Ideology and Mode of Production of the Mistassini Cree Hunters

by (author) Adrian Tanner

Context of the informant narrative performance

From sociolinguistics to ethnolinguistics at Fort Chipewyan, Alberta

by (author) Ronald Scollon

Hooper Bay kayak construction

by (author) David W. Zimmerly

Suffixes of the Eskimo dialects of Cumberland Peninsula and North Baffin Island

by (author) Kenn Harper

A reference grammar for the coast Tsimshian language

by (author) John Asher Dunn

Aspects of Inuit value socialization

by (author) Jean L. Briggs

Athapaskan women

Lives and legends

by (author) Julie Cruikshank

Chipewyan marriage

by (author) Henry S. Sharp

Eight Inuit myths / Inuit unipkaaqtuat pingasuniarvinilit

edited and translated by Alex Spalding & Cultural and Linguistics Section, Department of Indian and Northern Affairs

Inuit songs from Eskimo Point

by (author) Ramon Pelinski, Luke Suluk & Lucy Amarook

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