Browse Books in Criminology
Diversity, Crime, and Justice in Canada
Gangs /hcj
A Groundwork Guide
Canada's Most Wanted
Constructing Crime
Contemporary Processes of Criminalization
Rethinking Domestic Violence
Droits et voix - Rights and Voices
La criminologie à l'Université d'Ottawa - Criminology at the University of Ottawa
Journal of Prisoners on Prisons V20 #1
Reena Virk
Critical Perspectives on a Canadian Murder
Canadians in Context
Police in Canada
The Real Story
The Policing Web
Gangs in Canada
Canadian Con Artists
Power, Problems, and Politics
Making Work, Making Trouble
The Social Regulation of Sexual Labour
Unsolved Murders of Canada
The Unending Quest to Solve Canada's Unsolved Murders
Drug War Films in Britain, Canada, and the U.S.
Canadian Victims of Crime
Critical Insights
Intelligent Control
Developments in Public Order Policing in Canada
Police Officer’s Guide to K9 Searches
Driven to Kill
Vehicles as Weapons
Fallen Officers
Canadian Police in the Line of Fire
Moving Toward Justice
Legal Traditions and Aboriginal Justice