Browse Books in Social Science

The Assiniboine
Forty-sixth Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, 1928-1929

Women Without Men
Mennonite Refugees of the Second World War

Configuring Gender
Explorations in Theory and Politics


Social Discredit
Anti-Semitism, Social Credit, and the Jewish Response

The South Asian Religious Diaspora in Britain, Canada, and the United States
Colonial 'Reformation' in the Highlands

Colonial 'Reformation' in the Highlands of Central Sulawesi Indonesia,1892-1995

The Overselling of Population Aging
Apocalyptic Demography, Intergenerational Challenges, and Social Policy

Ambiguity, Evil Eye, and the Language of Distress

Mennonites in the Global Village

Aboriginal Rights and Self-Government
The Canadian and Mexican Experience in North American Perspective

Since the Time of the Transformers
The Ancient Heritage of the Nuu-chah-nulth, Ditidaht, and Makah

The Burden of History
Colonialism and the Frontier Myth in a Rural Canadian Community

The Heritage of the Circle

Queer Judgments
Homosexuality, Expression, and the Courts in Canada

Following the Plow
Recovering the Rural

Famille et fragmentation

Sharing the Good Times
A History of Prairie Women's Joys and Pleasures

Criminal Injustice
Racism in the Criminal Justice System

Our Words, Our Revolutions
Di/Verse Voices of Black Women, First Nations Women, and Women of Colour in Canada

State Theories, 3rd Edition
Classical, Global and Feminist Perspectives

Aboriginal Spirituality and Biblical Theology
Closer Than You Think

Tales of extraordinary experience
The whaling indians: West Coast legends and stories — Part 10 of the Sapir-Thomas Nootka texts