Browse Books in Social Science
Rituals Of Dinner

Higher Goals
Women's Ice Hockey and the Politics of Gender

Indigenous Cultures in an Interconnected World

The Political Economy of Transformation

The Social Life of Stories
Narrative and Knowledge in the Yukon Territory

Inside the Olympic Industry
Power, Politics, and Activism

Spirits of the Water
Native Art Collected on Expeditions to Alaska and British Columbia, 1744–1910

For Home, Country, and Race
Gender, Class, and Englishness in the Elementary School, 1880-1914

Workers' Compensation
Foundations for Reform

Ghost Stories of California

Canadian Communication Thought
Ten Foundational Writers

Engendering The State
Family, Work, and Welfare in Canada

Outlooks 5
Connections Canada

Designing Women
Gender and the Architectural Profession

The Case for Penal Abolition

Writing a Politics of Perception
Memory, Holography, and Women Writers in Canada

'Designing Women'
Gender and the Architectural Profession

The End of Gay
(and the death of heterosexuality)

Black Creek Pioneer Village
Toronto's Living History Village

Stories of Transformative Justice

Endless Propaganda
The Advertising of Public Goods

Narrative in the Feminine
Daphne Marlatt and Nicole Brossard

Aboriginal Plant Use in Canada's Northwest Boreal Forest
New Edition

The Portuguese in Canada
Diasporic Challenges and Adjustment