Browse Books in Social Science

Journeys of Fear
Refugee Return and National Transformation in Guatemala

Homemade Fun Games & Pastimes

Eternal Prairie
Exploring Rural Cemeteries of the West

Memoirs from Away
A New Found Land Girlhood

Canadian and European Presence in Cyberspace

Putting Children First
A Guide for Parents Breaking Up

Genealogy of Resistance

Outlooks 4
Our Beginnings

Diversity and Justice in Canada

Circles of Time
Aboriginal Land Rights and Resistance in Ontario

Feminist Fields
Ethnographic Insights

Circles of Time
Aboriginal Land Rights and Resistance in Ontario

First Son
Portraits by C.D. Hoy

Mythologies of Violence in Postmodern Media

Empowerment Practice in Social Work
Developing Richer Conceptual Foundations

Tangled Webs of History
Indians and the Law in Canada's Pacific Coast Fisheries

Women Who Made the News
Female Journalists in Canada, 1880-1945

Ghost Stories and Mysterious Creatures of British Columbia

Strangers at the Gate
The 'Boat People's' First Ten Years in Canada

Transforming Psyche

Prophet of The Plains, The

Feminism, Political Economy, and the State
Contested Terrain

We're rooted here and they can't pull us up
Essays in African Canadian Women's History

Scratching the Surface
Canadian Anti-Racist Feminist Thought