Browse Books in Social Science

Adventures of a Sea Hunter
In Search of Famous Shipwrecks

The (Un)Making of the Modern Family

No Time
Stress and the Crisis of Modern Life

Racialized Migrant Women in Canada
Essays on Health, Violence and Equity

D’un islam textuel vers un islam contextuel
La traduction du Coran et la construction de l’image de la femme

Racism in the Canadian University
Demanding Social Justice, Inclusion, and Equity

Mindfulness and Social Work

Race, Sex, and Social Order in Early New Orleans

Challenging Traditions
Contemporary First Nations Art of the Northwest Coast

A History of Human Rights in Canada
Essential Issues
Dark Legacy
The cultural assault on the aboriginal people of Canada

Polygendered and Ponytailed
The Dilemma of Femininity and the Female Athlete

Intelligent Control
Developments in Public Order Policing in Canada

SS Atlantic
The White Star Line's First Disaster at Sea

Blood and Capital
The Paramilitarization of Colombia

Reading Rock Art
Interpreting the Indian Rock Paintings of the Canadian Shield

Immigration & Settlement, 1870-1939

Program Evaluation for Social Workers
Foundations of Evidence-Based Programs

Rediscovered Self
Indigenous Identity and Cultural Justice

Razing Africville
A Geography of Racism

In and Out of the Working Class

Rethinking Normalcy
A Disability Studies Reader

Demons of Aquilonia, The

Pop Culture
The Culture of Everyday Life