Browse Books in Social Science

A Thousand Dreams
Vancouver's Downtown Eastside and the Fight for Its Future

Hopeless Love
Boiardo, Ariosto, and Narratives of Queer Female Desire

The Prestige Squeeze
Occupational Prestige in Canada since 1965

The Wayfinders
Why Ancient Wisdom Matters In The Modern World

Prestige Squeeze
Occupational Prestige in Canada since 1965

Gods and Monsters
A Queer Film Classic

Law of Desire
A Queer Film Classic

A Queer Film Classic

You Can't Say That In Canada

The War in the Country
How the Fight to Save Rural Life Will Shape Our Future

Simpsons, The
An Uncensored, Unauthorized History

Making Work, Making Trouble
The Social Regulation of Sexual Labour
Control Theory and Systems Biology

Structural Social Work in Action
Examples From Practice

The Nearest Exit May Be Behind You

Inequality in Canada
A Reader on the Intersections of Gender, Race, and Class

A Fair Country
Telling Truths About Canada

Unsolved Murders of Canada
The Unending Quest to Solve Canada's Unsolved Murders

Drug War Films in Britain, Canada, and the U.S.

Passion for Action in Child and Family Services
Voices from the Prairies

Private Grief, Public Mourning
The Rise of the Roadside Shrine in B.C.

Entre lieux et mémoire
L’inscription de la francophonie canadienne dans la durée

Underground Halifax (2nd edition)
Stories of Archaeology in the City