Browse Books in Social Science

Reinvesting in Families
Strengthening Child Welfare Practice for a Brighter Future: Voices from the Prairies

Reinvesting in Families
Strengthening Child Welfare Practice for a Brighter Future

Woods Cree Stories

Why Theatre Matters
Urban Youth, Engagement, and a Pedagogy of the Real

The Agon of Interpretations
Towards a Critical Intercultural Hermeneutics

At the Limits of Justice
Women of Colour on Terror

My Havana
The Musical City of Carlos Varela

Teaching Each Other
Nehinuw Concepts and Indigenous Pedagogies

Teaching Each Other
Nehinuw Concepts and Indigenous Pedagogies

Unidentified: The UFO Phenomenon
How World Governments Have Conspired to Conceal Humanity’s Biggest Secret (The Truth About the Malmstrom Incident, UAPs, and Their Interest in Nuclear Weapons)

La frontière au quotidien
Expériences des minorités à Ottawa-Gatineau

Bold Scientists

The Paradox of Citizenship

Any Mummers ’Lowed In?
Christmas Mummering Traditions in Newfoundland and Labrador

Reclaiming the Don
An Environmental History of Toronto's Don River Valley

Muslim Immigrants, Dignity and Drug Dealing

French Canadians, Furs, and Indigenous Women in the Making of the Pacific Northwest

My Havana
The Musical City of Carlos Varela

Lives of the Family
Stories of Fate and Circumstance

Criminalizing Women, 2nd edition
Gender and (In)Justice in Neoliberal Times

Indian School Road
Legacies of the Shubenacadie Residential School

Tse-loh-ne (The People at the End of the Rocks)
Journey Down the Davie Trail

A Migrant Heart

At the Limits of Justice
Women of Colour on Terror